Craniosacral Therapy!

Craniosacral massage therapists gently work the bones of the head, neck, and sacrum. Craniosacral therapy restores the natural position and alignment of bones and joints in the head and neck, alleviating pain. Craniosacral therapy (CST) is based on an understanding of the body’s own cranial rhythmic impulse which is felt through the hands of the … Continue reading Craniosacral Therapy!

Geriatric Massage!

Massage for the elderly can have profound positive health benefits. As we age, many don’t get the exercise or activity needed to promote circulation of the blood and lymph systems necessary for physical and psychological health. Massage takes many forms including sports and therapeutic massage; with each form having its own techniques, including how much … Continue reading Geriatric Massage!

Myofascial Release Massage!

Myofascial release massage works the web-like protective band that covers your body’s muscles, tendons, bones, ligaments and tissues. This protective band is made of elastin and collagen fibers. The band or fascia is dynamic, meaning that it responds to forces, either internal or external and resists these forces to protect the area that it covers. … Continue reading Myofascial Release Massage!

Visceral Manipulation!

The Therapeutic Value of Visceral Manipulation! Acute Disorders: Digestive Disorders. •Whiplash •Bloating and Constipation•Seatbelt Injuries •Nausea and Acid Reflux•Chest or Abdominal Sports Injuries •GERD•Concussion •Swallowing Dysfunctions•Traumatic Brain Injuries Women’s and Men’s Health Issues Musculoskeletal Disorders•Chronic Pelvic Pain •Somatic-Visceral Interactions•Endometriosis •Chronic Spinal Dysfunction•Fibroids and Cysts •Headaches and Migraines•Dysmenorrhea •Carpal Tunnel Syndrome•Bladder Incontinence •Peripheral Joint Pain •Sciatica … Continue reading Visceral Manipulation!

Trigger Point Therapy!

When you experience muscle pain in one specific location on your body, it may be caused by a trigger point. Fortunately, there’s a type of massage that can ease this pain and help release the tension causing it: trigger point therapy. What is a Trigger Point? “Trigger point” is the name given to a tight … Continue reading Trigger Point Therapy!