Self-Care Tips for Getting Better Faster!

We all get sick, and you will get better much faster by taking care of you and resting!

A few tips: Ask for help from your spouse and child if they are old enough.
Have some easy meals in the cabinet or freezer in case you’re not up to cooking (healthy canned soup, frozen veggies, and quick rice are great). Eliminate what you can from your work load. Many things, such as housework can wait!

As far as going to your job it’s much better to call in for a day or two then to try to do too much and end up being sick for longer. You’ll be a lot more productive if you can just stay home and get well! If that’s not an option, just take care of your most important tasks and then go home.

You can also use aromatherapy oils in the diffuser by your bed. I feel like that really helps to support the immune system.

Epson salt baths are very good for sore muscles and achy muscles when you’re sick.

Let you kids watch movies, or do whatever it takes to get your rest.
I find that when I do get sick it’s when I have let some of my self- care slide such as being overly busy, skipping meals, not getting regular massage and not getting enough sleep.

It is very tempting to just try to push through and carry on with your regular schedule even when you’re sick. We all want to do it all and accomplish our goals, but by resting and taking care of yourself you’ll be back at it faster and healthier and stronger!

And don’t forget to reschedule your massage appointment.

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